Video – Mitt Romney Michigan Victory Speech

Below is the video of Mitt Romney’s victory speech in Michigan.  The full text of the speech is also provided below the video.  Once again, congrats to Mitt Romney, his campaign, supporters, voters, and Michigan!  Now it is time to seal the nomination and start focusing on helping Mitt win Michigan in the general election.  MICHIGAN STANDS WITH MITT!!

And here is the full text of Mitt Romney’s Michigan victory speech:

“Thank you, Michigan. And thank you, Arizona! A week ago the pundits and the pollsters were ready to count us out. But across Michigan and Arizona I kept meeting moms and dads, students and grandparents, all concerned about what was happening to this great country. I was confident that we would come together today and take a giant step toward a brighter future.  Tonight, their efforts have brought our cause a great victory.
Tonight is all the more special because we’re celebrating in the state where I was born, surrounded by Michiganders we consider family. Ann and I want to thank all of you who knocked on doors, made calls, and went to the polls.
And in Arizona, we want to thank Governor Brewer and Senator McCain who are celebrating with our two sons, Craig and Matt.
Our campaign is about restoring the promise of America. Last week, I unveiled a bold economic plan that will jumpstart this economy and help get Michiganders and Americans back to work.
Americans are crying out for more jobs, less debt, and smaller government – and I will deliver.
You know, a lot of people say that if you’re running for office, you can’t speak honestly with the American people.  Well, I did – and I will – because this is a decisive moment that requires real leadership.
Times are tough. And we need leaders who will live with integrity, who have the courage to tell the truth, and who have the experience to get our economy back on track. That’s the kind of leader I am. And that’s the kind of President I will be.
Our campaign is about more than replacing a President. It’s about restoring America’s promise.
From generation to generation, Americans have always known that the future would be brighter and better.  Americans have always believed in a tomorrow full of possibility and prosperity.
That’s what it means to be a land of opportunity. In America, if you work hard, you can build a better life. If you teach your kids the right values and help them make the right choices, you know their future will be prosperous and secure.
That deep confidence in a better tomorrow is the basic promise of America. Today, that promise is being threatened by a faltering economy and a failed presidency.
Four years ago, we warned that the Presidency was no place for on-the-job training. Today, we have an economy to prove it.
This President likes to remind us that he inherited an economic crisis. But he never mentions that he also inherited a Democratic Congress. With majorities in the House and Senate, President Obama was free to pursue any policy he pleased.
Did he fix the economy? Did he tackle the housing crisis? Did he get Americans back to work?  No. He put us on a path toward debt, deficits, and decline. It is time to get off that path and get back on the path to prosperity.
These days, when he’s not spending our money or infringing upon our rights, President Obama is busy running for re-election. He believes he ranks among the top four presidents in history.
He thinks he deserves a second term. He keeps saying, “We can’t wait.” To which I say, “Yes, we can.”
Today, we’re $15 trillion in debt. Real employment stands at 15%.
You’ve heard the saying, “I need a vacation from this vacation?” Well, we need to recover from this so-called “recovery.”
Americans survived a Great Depression. We weathered two world wars. We’ve made it through tough times before.  And we have not come all this way to give up now.
We still believe in the hope, the dream, and the promise of America. We know our future is better and brighter than these troubled times.
That unwavering conviction guides our campaign. It has rallied millions of Americans to our cause. And it’s the message we will take to every corner of this country – from Ohio and Idaho to Georgia and Tennessee.
We’ve seen enough of this President over the last three years to know that we don’t need another four. President Obama believes he is unchecked by our Constitution. He is unresponsive to the will of our people. In a second term, he would be unrestrained by the demands of re-election. If there is one thing we cannot afford, it is four years of Barack Obama with nothing to answer to.
His budget foreshadows what lies ahead. Runaway spending and record debt were just the warm-up act.  For an encore, he wants to raise taxes on job creators and small businesses and families. We will not let him!
In this campaign, I am offering a real choice and a new direction. I have a plan that will restore America’s promise through more jobs, less debt, and smaller government.
President Obama is making the federal government bigger, burdensome, and bloated. I will make it simpler, smaller, and smarter.
He raised the national debt. I will cut, cap, and balance the budget.
He passed Obamacare. I’ll repeal it.
He lost our AAA credit rating; I’ll restore it.
He rejected the Keystone Pipeline. I’ll approve it. I will open up our lands for development, so we can finally get the energy we need at a price we can afford.
When it comes to the economy, my highest priority will be worrying about your job, not saving my own.
President Obama wants to raise your taxes. I will cut them. That starts with an across-the-board, 20% rate cut for every American. I will repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax and abolish the death tax.
He’s proposed tax increases on small businesses and job creators. I will lower the corporate tax rate to 25%. I will make the R&D tax credit permanent to foster innovation. And I will end the repatriation tax to return investment to our shores. Let’s finally have a tax plan that puts people to work.
President Obama’s budget raises taxes on savings and investment. I will help America’s middle class families save and invest tax-free.
President Obama has yet to offer a single serious proposal for saving Medicare or Social Security. I have a plan to save both – and, unlike him, I have the courage to put my plan on the table.
My plans will help create jobs and raise wages. They will strengthen entitlement programs for future generations.  And they will not add to our deficit – they will abolish it.
I have a plan to get our citizens back to work – and I have the experience to get our economy back on track. I spent 25 years in business.  I have been the steward of an Olympics and the leader of a state.  I’ve cut taxes 19 times.  I’ve turned a budget shortfall into a windfall.  I know how government kills jobs – and, yes, how it can help.  And I stand ready to lead our Party to victory – and our nation to prosperity.
This is our time for choosing – and this is a choice we must get right. I have said it before – and I firmly believe – that this campaign is about saving the soul of America.
This election will come down to two very different visions for our future.
It’s a choice between becoming a nation of and by Washington … and remaining a nation of and by a free people.
A choice between an entitlement society … and a land of opportunity.
A choice between squandering America’s promise … and restoring that promise for future generations.
If you want to make this election about restoring American greatness, then I hope you will join us.
If you believe the disappointments of the last few years are a detour, not our destiny, then I need your support.
I’m asking you to get out and vote. I’m asking you to go to and pledge your support.  I’m asking you to join in the fight for our freedom – and ensure that tomorrow will be better than today.
This election, let’s restore America’s promise. Let’s fight for the country we love.
Thank you. And God bless America.”

Mitt Romney Wins Michigan!!

Mitt Romney Michigan victory speech. Photo credit: CNN

Michigan has spoken and with a loud, clear voice Michigan has nominated Michigan native Mitt Romney to be the next President of the United States of America!!!  

To all Michigan Mitt supporters, volunteers, campaigners, and most importantly Michigan voters, thank you for your votes and hard work!  This is a great victory for Gov. Romney and his campaign to restore American prosperity and greatness. 

After all the events, talking with friends and family, phone calls, sacrifices of hard-earned money and sacrifices in time, and other campaign work we have all put into this primary, this is one sweet victory for us all to enjoy. 

Not only are we celebrating victory here in Michigan, but also in Arizona where Mitt won the winner-take-all primary, and also a running lead continuing in the ongoing Wyoming caucus!

Time to do what we can to help Gov. Romney seal the nomination and win in the general election, but first we celebrate tonight!  Enjoy the moment and feeling.  Remember what this is like, because just imagine how incredble it will be to be celebrating a Mitt Romney victory in the general election a few months from now, and witnessing a President Romney being sworn into office in just under a year from now.  WAY TO GO MITT ROMNEY AND THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN!  MICHIGAN STANDS WITH MITT!!

Romney Has the Right Stuff – Newsmax 2008 Article Still Rings True Today

An excellent comprehensive look at Mitt Romney as a Presidential candidate back in 2008 still rings true today.  Ronald Keesler posted an exhaustive article making a strong case for Mitt Romney back in 2008 and it is worth a review by Michigan voters before we all head to the polls tomorrow.  The bottom line is the article makes the same case that Michigan for Mitt blog has been making — Mitt Romney is a full-spectrum conservative leader uniquely experienced and prepared to restore American greatness while earning broad support from republicans, independents and some democrats in Reaganesque fashion.

First he addressed Mitt Romney’s character and core by telling us about the rescue efforts the Michigan for Mitt blog reviewed yesterday.

Then he moved on to talk about Romney’s Reaganesque demeanor:

“The fact that Massachusetts, where only 13 percent of registered voters are Republicans, could elect Romney governor by a five-point margin (50 percent versus 45 percent for his Democratic opponent) underscores his popularity among Republicans and Democrats alike.

“In an hour-long Newsmax interview at Romney’s Boston headquarters, the candidate is Reaganesque: a man with a sunny, positive disposition. On his desk he has a desk plate that states “America Is Never Stuck.”

“Romney speaks with the effortless delivery of the best news anchors…”

Next he addressed the misconceptions about Mitt’s familial fortunes:

If the family was financially set, it had little impact on Mitt’s upbringing. Like most other kids, he had summer jobs. His sister Jane, an actress in Beverly Hills, remembers that she was allowed to buy only one new dress a year.

“I always hated the word ‘privileged’ and I never thought we were,” she says. “My dad grew up with nothing. His father went bankrupt twice when my father was a kid.”

Then he touched on values & religion:

“George Romney [Mitt’s father] died on July 26, 1995, at the age of 88. He imparted deep values to his family, values that the Mormon Church emphasizes – strong families, honesty, giving to charity, respect for human life, hard work, and clean living.

“…In 1994, gay marriage had not yet become a serious issue. But in 2003, when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, in a 4-3 decision, ruled that marriage in the commonwealth would no longer be limited to unions between men and women, Romney pushed for an amendment to the state constitution that would outlaw gay marriage.

“In a recent interview in his corner office at his campaign headquarters, Romney sticks by his position condemning discrimination against gays and lesbians.

“I can tell you this, which is I believe gay individuals should enjoy tolerance and respect,” Romney says. “They should have equal opportunities in housing and employment. We shouldn’t discriminate against people based upon their sexual preference or orientation.

“At the same time, I believe that marriage should be reserved for a relationship between one man and one woman. For me, that’s not a matter of discrimination,” Romney adds.

He feels passionately that the value of human life begins at conception,” says South Carolina state Sen. Jim DeMint, a Republican who supports Romney. “The idea that he might have changed his mind [on Roe v. Wade] is very appealing to me, because we’re not going to win that debate unless people change their minds and think it through.”

“Romney has vetoed bills that authorized embryo farming, therapeutic cloning, and access to emergency contraception without parental consent. He is a critic of liberal judges who legislate from the bench, and he says he would like to see the court return the abortion issue to the people to decide.

Next was Romney’s success in saving the 2002 Olympics, an issue which I personally reflected on last week:

“In 1998, Utah state leaders approached Romney about taking over the scandal-ridden 2002 Winter Olympics. More than $1 million in bribes had been paid to members of the International Olympic Committee organizers. Before the scandal erupted, the Salt Lake Olympics Organizing Committee (SLOC) had a projected shortfall of $397 million.

“Romney accepted the position and asked Fraser Bullock, one of the seven original partners of Bain Capital, to become his chief operating officer.

“Romney traveled all over the world to gather support, as he cut back on SLOC expenses…

With Romney at the helm, the games ended with a surplus of $56 million. The surplus money went to fund future Olympics.”

Then it was on to review another one of Mitt’s successes, saving the state of Massachusetts from its financial peril:

“With the Olympics success under his belt, Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 on a platform of fiscal conservatism, promising to erase the state’s $3 billion deficit.

“As the new governor, Romney consolidated state agencies, cut employees, and closed what he called loopholes in the corporate tax code. He also tackled the most difficult public policy issue of all, health insurance.

“With input from the Heritage Foundation, Romney came up with a way to provide universal health insurance…

“Romney’s bottom line in Massachusetts: He erased the budget deficit he inherited when he took over, just as he’d done with the Olympics.

When Romney left office on Jan. 4, 2006, the Bay State had a balanced budget plus a “rainy day fund” – all without ever raising taxes.”

He concluded with these points:

“Romney emphasizes four priorities if elected president: defeating the jihadists, competing with Asia, stopping runaway spending, and affirming America’s culture and values.

“Romney said he is “very concerned about the America that my grandkids will enjoy, and your grandkids will enjoy. It can be a stronger, more vibrant nation, or it can become the France of the 21st century – starting off as the economic superpower, military superpower, ending still a great nation, but not the world’s superpower. The choices we make today will determine whether America is a more prosperous and secure place for our grandchildren. I can help do that.”

Among former presidents, Romney admires Dwight D. Eisenhower. Besides taking on communism, “He was a person whose leadership during World War II made him someone the entire nation revered and respected,” Romney says. “And there’s nothing wrong with having heroes in positions of prominence.”

Having rescued the commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Winter Olympics, Bain & Co., and his partner’s daughter, Romney could well be talking about himself.”

I invite all Michiganders to reflect on this broad spectrum of attributes that would come with a Romney presidency in contrast to the other candidates and our current President.  As Jack Welch so emphatically stated weeks ago, we are the luckiest people to have this guy running at this time.  It couldn’t seem more clear to me that our country is in dire need of a turnaround and Mitt Romney is uniquely and expertly prepared to lead such an effort.  Michigan’s native is hands-down our best chance at restoring American prosperity and greatness, so let’s get out there and vote for Mitt in the polls tomorrow and take a car full of Mitt voters with us!  

Mitt Romney Saved Boaters and Teenage Girl

A lesser-known pool of information about Gov. Romney is that he has been credited with having rescued a family (and their dogs) from a sinking boat and also saved a teenage girl.  Here is an excerpt from a story in 2003 that the New York Time published about the rescue:

“Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and two of his sons helped rescue a New Jersey family from a sinking boat over the weekend, a New Hampshire official said today.

“The 19-foot vintage wooden boat with six people and a dog on board started taking on water Saturday evening about 300 yards from the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, in central New Hampshire, Sgt. Eric Robertson of the New Hampshire State Marine Patrol said.

”The Romneys took two of the passengers and brought them back to shore,” Sergeant Robertson said. ”There were other people, Good Samaritans, out there, about three vessels including the Romneys’, helping out.”

“The governor’s spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, said today that Governor Romney was vacationing at the lake for a week with his family.

”He’s not looking for any special attention,” Mr. Fehrnstrom said. ”I think he’s just grateful he was in the right place at the right time to be able to offer some assistance.”

“Josh Romney, one of the governor’s sons, told The Boston Herald that he and his brother were cleaning the beach when they heard ”a whole bunch of screaming” from the lake.

“Mr. Robertson said the passengers were uninjured and were fine after the rescue, because of the ”good response of the people nearby.”

The following video is a stream from the previous presidential campaign that includes Mitt’s former co-worker crediting Mitt with saving his daughter’s life:

Here is a brief review of what Mitt and his team did to save this girl, taken from the America is Conservative blog and Newsmax posts on the issue:

“Mitt Romney was faced with a crisis in July 1996. The 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner in Romney’s new venture capital firm, Bain Capital, had disappeared. As it turned out, she had attended a rave party in New York City and had become high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was.
“Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to try to find Gay’s daughter.
“Romney set up a command center in a conference room at the LaGuardia Marriott just outside Manhattan. He hired a private detective firm to assist with the search and established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the New York City Police Department, but he still wasn’t satisfied. He raced through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York. He asked them to help his company find their friend’s missing daughter.
“The company’s accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and its law firm, put up posters on street poles with a photo of the missing teenager. Cashiers at Duane Reade Pharmacies, which was owned by Bain Capital, put fliers in the bag of each shopper.
“Romney and others from the Bain Capital posse trudged through every part of New York, even scouring Central Park, and talked with everyone they could – prostitutes, drug addicts – anyone who may have seen her. They also made rounds at the local nightclubs at 3 a.m., hoping someone somewhere could identify her.
“The same day the Romney team came to New York, the hunt made the evening news. Television cameras showed photos of the girl and video of investment banker types prowling through Central Park.
“The next day, a teenage boy she was with phoned in. He asked if there was a reward. But the boy got nervous and quickly hung up. Luckily, the police traced the call to a home in Montville Township, N.J.
“Gay’s daughter, when they found her in the basement of that home, was shivering through detox after a massive dose of ecstasy. Doctors later told Gay that he was indeed fortunate – his daughter probably would not have lasted another day.
“It was the most amazing thing, and I’ll never forget this to the day I die,” Gay says, adding of Romney’s intervention, “I’m not sure we would have gotten her back without him.”

“It is often during a crisis that we gain insight into a person’s real character. Romney’s action demonstrated leadership, loyalty, and selflessness – attributes that Americans just might like to see in a president of the United States.”

Gov. Romney seems to be one not inclined to boast about such matters, so I will do it for him because I believe it is important that our nation’s President represents the values that make America great.  This is just one example among many that speaks to Gov. Romney’s impeccable, selfless, and solid character.  To those who suggest he lacks a core or is somehow out-of-touch with ordinary people I suggest you cast the mote out of your own eye before passing harsh judgment on such a decent man.  The only thing I see in Gov. Romney that my not be “ordinary” like us is his extraordinary resolve to aid those in need, whether they be our country, a state government, a company, or even a single individual in distress such as was the case with this girl.  It is this kind of civic-mindedness that we could use more of in Washington DC.  Michigan is proud to claim Mitt as one of our own.

A Michigander’s Memoir of Mitt Romney’s Olympic Leadership

Joe at the 2002 Olympics

Ten years ago I had the tremendous once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City and witness the results of Mitt Romney’s leadership.  I want to step back from today’s political rhetoric and talk about my personal reflections of this historic period of American history and what it means for the country if Mitt Romney is elected as our President.

Plagued by scandal, financial distress, and eventually grave security concerns in the aftermath of 9/11, the 2002 Winter Olympics was on the verge of total disaster.  Failure to follow through with our commitment to host a successful games as a result of scandals and financial mismanagement would have been a shameful embarrassment for Salt Lake City and the United States of America, but more importantly it would have dealt a tragic blow to thousands of the world’s athletes who had dedicated years of training and heroically overcome countless challenges and obstacles just to have an opportunity to compete for their country in the Olympic Games.  The troubles of the Olympics weighed heavily on locals while I was attending Utah State University.  Many were convinced the games would be cancelled at worst, or haphazardly and embarrassingly thrown together at best.  Sponsors had little faith in the Olympics becoming a success and the Games were running a deficit to the tune of $379 million.  For some time it seemed we were heading for an Olympic failure.  Action needed to be taken.

Enter Mitt Romney, a businessman with a reputation of having successfully turned around several companies on the brink of collapse.  Hired largely for that reputation, he quickly went to work on the task of leading the Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) towards hosting a successful and inspiring Winter Games.  In just a matter of a couple of years things started looking brighter.  Sponsor deals were struck, transportation infrastructure issues resolved, an impressive leadership team was assembled, a new brand and emotion within the organization was established, and the energy from volunteers and locals started to bring new life into the 2002 Olympic movement.

I was one of those volunteers.  By the time SLOC started taking applications for volunteers they were already on the rebound.  I decided to volunteer despite the uncertainty since I felt it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be directly involved in the Olympics.  I wanted to see the athletes, experience the excitement of the Olympics firsthand, witness history, and offer my talents to help however I could.  So I signed up as did tens of thousands more, and I was lucky enough to be selected as a volunteer.  After a few iterations of interviews I was assigned to Media Relations and was expected to offer some Chinese language support as needed when working with international journalists and broadcasters during the Games.  I became part of SLOC’s Team 2002 and lived an experience I will never forget.

I’ve worked in the military, academia and the private sector, but to this day I have never worked for an organization that was more motivational and effectively run than Mitt Romney’s SLOC.  Even down to the detail of providing us with superb uniforms at no cost, Mitt Romney treated all of us volunteers and employees with the highest respect and commendation.  From day one the focus in our training all the way from the top was to put the past behind us and to work with all our hearts to host a great Olympics for the athletes, the spectators, and the world.  It was our time to shine.  And shine we did.  But not without first being challenged by a tragedy that threatened to cancel the 2002 Games altogether.

When terrorists struck the innocent on Sept 11th, 2001, the world changed overnight and fresh doubts over the viability of holding the Olympics emerged.  The psyche of world peace was disrupted.  America along with the rest of the world doubted the feasibility of another peaceful gathering of athletes.  The world had changed.  It lived in fear.  National guardsmen manned airports wearing Kevlar armed with automatic rifles, large-crowd events cancelled, alerts and alarms kept the nation on edge, and there was no more sensational and tempting target for fanatic jihadists to set in their sights than the world’s largest peaceful gathering of athletes and spectators since the 9/11 attacks.  If Mitt was to lead a successful Olympics he would also have to successfully lead the Olympics through America’s largest homeland security operation since 9/11.  He did.

Instead of cowering to the threat of terrorism, Mitt Romney and the entire SLOC team doubled down and worked harder than ever to ensure we hosted a successful Olympics.  For some on our team, including me, our success became a symbol of our defying the terrorists.  Mitt reassured our team that the Olympics would still go forward, and that this was our chance to bring the country and the world together in peace.  Mitt’s motivating tenacity along with all of his staff helped us move forward with a “fire within” (2002 Olympics slogan) to defy the naysayers, the terrorists, and the challenges, and to go down in history as having held a great Games for the world.

And great it was. Admittedly it was much greater than I expected.  I expected terrible traffic problems and congestion, but there was virtually none of that.  I expected light audiences, but they were full, even for curling and biathlon!  Working at the media desk I expected to be spending a lot of time responding to requests for information about problems during the Games, but that was extremely rare.  Instead most of my time was spent providing information about athletes, venues, events and intriguing stories.  As a Civil Air Patrol squadron commander I had some insight into the vast scope of security operations required to ensure a secure Olympics.  Some breeches of security transpired, some threats existed, but the games were secured without major incident.  Our worst fears never transpired.  As a realist I always seem to maintain some degree of pessimism despite my hope and effort to see things through to a success.  My pessimism underestimated what Mitt Romney and our team could achieve.

Mitt’s financial success with the Olympics had a personal impact on my own well being.  After having managed to erase the Olympics’ $379 million dollar deficit, Mitt Romney had another turnaround success under his belt.  This improved bottom line no doubt enabled me the opportunity to be hired a couple of months prior to opening ceremonies by SLOC as a pre- and post-games employee.  Additional help in setting up and taking down part of the Main Media Center was needed and I was hired to help while still serving as a volunteer during the two weeks of the Games. The job came at an important time for me since I was a college student and was struggling to make ends meet while also trying to keep my grades up. The Olympics job was the most generous pay I had ever earned up to that point in my life.  I am convinced that were it not for Mitt Romney’s effective management of the Olympics turnaround, I wouldn’t have been offered a paid position.  Mitt Romney created my job.  To my astonishment I discovered years later that Mitt didn’t take a salary while serving as our CEO, and also donated $1 million of his own money for the cause.  He selflessly served. 

I had the chance to attend the dress rehearsal of Opening Ceremonies and still remember it like it was yesterday.  It was a frigidly cold night (maybe that’s why I remember it so vividly!), but as the Tabernacle Choir sang the national anthem and the World Trade Center (WTC) flag ceremony was rehearsed I could only feel warmth and a strong sense that these Olympics would help unite and heal the country in peace and in celebration of our athletes’ successes.  During the actual opening ceremonies the following night the rest of the world watched the WTC flag memorial and the crowd erupted in cheers as Afghan athletes marched across the stadium.  It was only the beginning of an exciting, successful, memorable, and historic two weeks, but perhaps most importantly it was a symbolic victory over fear and global jihadism.  It was also a symbol of the rebounds that SLOC, Salt Lake City, and the United States of America achieved.  It was one of America’s most important moments of my lifetime, and it was all made possible in large measure by Mitt Romney’s Olympic leadership.  On Closing Ceremonies day, on this exact day, February 24th ten years ago, the world celebrated the finale of what most agreed to be the best Olympics ever held (and I celebrated by proposing to my sweetheart!).

When people ask me why I support Mitt Romney’s presidential pursuit so fervently, these Olympic memories flood my thoughts.  The contrast I witnessed as a local before and during Mitt Romney’s taking-of-the-reins at SLOC are as night and day.  I never met him personally, but the results of his leadership were everywhere.  When I pull out my blue Salt Lake Olympics uniform on occasion I feel a great sense of pride in what we accomplished.  As a communications professional I find myself frequently dusting off the play books that Mitt Romney and his staff so expertly implemented in building such a motivated, energetic and organizationally effective team.  I remember what it was like to be on Mitt Romney’s team and to have him leading an epic turnaround.  I remember what it was like to have a leader so selflessly committed to excellence and achieving greatness.  I remember the successes that were in large measure a result of Mitt Romney’s tireless leadership.  The mark of a leader is the success he leaves behind him.  In Mitt’s case he left behind as much as a $100 million surplus, a memorable and historic Olympic games, a secure multi-national event on a world stage, a symbolic victory over fear and the threat of terrorism, and a country and world united in peaceful competition.  When Mitt Romney was in charge we prospered, we came together as a team, and we achieved greatness; all of which led to our success in running an event that empowered athletes to inspire the world. 

America today is in desperate need of an Olympic turnaround.  We are faced with financial disaster, a divided political environment, lack of effective leadership in Washington DC, a weakened image, and continued security challenges; all similar to the challenges Mitt faced on day one as the SLOC CEO.  Only one man running for President has an unquestionable resume of success in restoring prosperity and greatness during critical and perilous times.  That man is Mitt Romney and it is my sincere hope that America hires him to the task of leading another American turnaround.

To see the WTC flag ceremony at the 2002 Olympics Opening Ceremony, watch the video below:

To read more about Mitt Romney’s involvement in rescuing the 2002 Olympics, see the following resources:

Read Mitt Romney’s book “Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership and the Olympic Games” by purchasing here.

Read an article about Mitt Romney’s success in leading the Olympics here.

Author:  Joseph Burkhead is a Michigan native and resident.  He is Communications Director and Co-Founder of Uncharted, a graduate student in Chinese Studies at University of Michigan, a graduate student in Geography at Western Michigan University, and an Air Force veteran.  He served as a volunteer and employee in Media Relations for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games (SLOC).  He has supported Mitt Romney since the 2008 campaign, authors the blog, the page, and actively volunteers for Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign in Michigan.   

Mitt Romney Newspaper Endorsements Sweep Across Michigan

Mitt Romney’s tidal wave of newspaper endorsements swept across Michigan yesterday from east to west!  Early in the morning it was the Detroit News ringing their support, then Oakland Press, and later with the Kalamazoo Gazette and Grand Rapids Press to follow.  Here are some golden nuggets from their editorial boards that explain why they feel Mitt Romney is the best suited Republican candidate to lead the country into the future.  Bolded emphasis is mine.

The Detroit News had these supportive words to say about Mitt’s candidacy:

“On leadership, the Michigan native and former Massachusetts governor has the strongest resume of the four remaining Republican candidates. He has not only successfully run a state, but also has deep experience in turning around private companies. America today is the ultimate turnaround project.

Romney has a refreshing free market vision for restoring the nation’s prosperity. He sees a return to our entrepreneurial roots, freeing individuals to reach for their dreams, take risks and strive for gain with minimal government encumbrances.

“He would reverse the rush toward a government-controlled economy and allow the free marketplace to do what it has always done — pull the nation back to its feet.

His focus on the campaign trail has been on job creation. That’s an area where he has considerable credibility, having created thousands of jobs as a partner with the private equity firm Bain Capital. While at Bain, Romney helped revive failing companies, rescue businesses from bankruptcy and save jobs that would have otherwise been lost to mismanagement. Count Ann Arbor’s booming Domino’s Pizza chain as among Bain’s most notable success stories.

“Romney knows how government policies affect private sector decision making. He understands the consequences of actions that raise business costs. And he gets that business is not the problem in America — a bloated and wasteful government is. He knows how to encourage the former and deflate the latter.

“Romney has been criticized by his opponents for downsizing troubled companies and firing workers. He acknowledges that those are often wrenching decisions. But if America is to avoid financial catastrophe, the next president must be willing to downsize government, jettison some of its operations and slash a federal work force that has grown by 12 percent over the past four years. Romney is best equipped for that task.

“Santorum is stirring on the campaign stump. But the deposed former Pennsylvania senator has already been rejected by the voters who know him best — he lost his seat in the Senate by an epic landslide in 2008. Nothing in his background suggests he has the skills to unify Americans behind his banner and become the leader of the free world.”

Romney, on the other hand, worked with a Democratic legislature in Massachusetts to enact a remarkable slate of bipartisan reforms. That’s exactly the sort of cooperative governing that Washington needs today. 

“Mitt Romney stands alone among the Republican primary field as the candidate capable of winning the White House, and more importantly, of leading the nation to a prosperous future.”

Here is what the Grand Rapids Press had to say:

Romney’s leadership credentials — former governor of Massachusetts, Winter Olympics turnaround maestro and prominent businessman — stand apart from the other candidates. His free-market, entrepreneurial emphasis provides a legitimate ideological counterpoint to Obama Administration reforms of the past four years.

“West Michigan voters should opt for Romney — with his free-market principles and focus on the issues. He is the most electable of the field, the most relevant alternative to President Barack Obama and the most likely to engage the President in meaningful debate leading to the November general election.”

And finally here is what the Kalamazoo Gazette editorial board had to say:

He is the party’s only viable choice. He brings to the campaign a strong background in business and political experience that speaks to a needed ability to work across the aisle.”

“Romney’s Michigan roots as the son of former Gov. George Romney are an added plus for our state’s Republicans. Indeed, Michigan will likely play an important role in the November general election and Romney’s presence on the ballot could heighten the state’s prominence by putting it in play even more as a swing state.

“In our view, Mitt Romney is the best choice, the most logical choice, for Michigan’s Republican voters on Tuesday.”

Gov. Rick Snyder Explains why Mitt Romney is the Best Choice for Michiganders

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, “One Tough Nerd”, has laid out in a Detroit News op-ed why he has made one big endorsement of Mitt Romney and why Gov. Romney is the best choice for Michigan voters on the 28th (bolded emphasis is mine):

“A little more than a year ago, Michigan voters put their trust in a businessman to serve as their governor. They were looking for someone who understands the private sector and has a plan for reversing the economic decline that had befallen our great state.

Our reinvention of Michigan is under way, and the future of the Great Lakes State is bright. But our state is not an island unto itself. The American economy as a whole remains in difficult straits. Our next president must understand how markets work and know how to get our nation back on track. Mitt Romney is the man for the job.

Let’s start with one important fact. Our country has never elected a president born and raised in Michigan. Mitt Romney was born in Detroit. His father served with distinction as governor. Before that, he was president of American Motors. Mitt grew up with the prospects of the auto industry and of Michigan discussed around the dinner table.

He has deep ties to our state. Mitt understands the challenges confronting Michigan as few Americans do.

Mitt Romney is not a career politician. He stands alone among the candidates, Democrat and Republican alike, with his extensive experience in business, having spent two decades helping to start companies and turn around failing ones. Most important, he has a credible plan for jumpstarting the economy and putting it on the path of sustained growth.

In contrast to Michigan’s blueprint, Washington is still at the drawing board. Deficit spending continues to run rampant. For the first time since World War II, the nation’s total debt burden exceeds the size of our entire economy. With Washington running trillion-dollar annual deficits, our nation’s recovery has been the slowest since the 1930s.

Washington is not on a sustainable course. Mitt Romney will change the direction.

What Gov. Romney is proposing is not a wish list drawn in the air, but something that can actually be accomplished collaboratively with Congress. As governor of Massachusetts, he balanced the budget while cutting taxes 19 times, even as he was working with a Legislature that was overwhelmingly Democratic.

Upon taking office, his state had a $3 billion deficit. By the end of his term, it had accumulated a $2 billion “rainy day” fund. Both in the public and private sectors, Mitt Romney has a remarkable record of getting things done.

As president, Gov. Romney has pledged to work in partnership with states so they have the freedom to devise their own health policies.

He will move immediately to reduce non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent. He also sees a clear path to bring spending below 20 percent of Gross Domestic Product in four years, which is in line with historical precedent.

The country can’t afford to do business as usual. It’s time for collaboration, fiscal courage and innovation to take root in Washington. Given his accomplishments, background, character, experience, ideas and intellect, Mitt Romney has what it takes to build a foundation for America’s success in this global economy.

I hope all Michiganians will join me in supporting the candidacy of this favorite son of our great state.”

You can read Gov. Snyder’s full endorsement article here.

Mitt Romney’s Approach to China

Today we wake up to another op-ed from Gov. Mitt Romney, this time outlining in the Wall Street Journal how he will approach the case of China.  US-China relations are a critical factor for Michigan’s economy.  Fair trade, fair currency policy, open markets to export Michigan-made goods, and the protection of Michigan companies from China’s unfair trade practices are all chronic issues that remain to be solved by Washington D.C. and continue hampering Michigan’s economy.  Mitt’s article makes clear that he places high priority on solving these problems in order to boost the American and Michigan economies, and he also demonstrates a depth in understanding economic issues that the President and Mitt’s republican challengers fail to possess.  Without further adieu, here are some of the key points Gov. Romney made (bolded emphasis is mine):

“Should the 21st century be an American century? To answer, it is only necessary to contemplate the alternatives.

One much bruited these days is that of a Chinese century. With China’s billion-plus population, its 10% annual average growth rates, and its burgeoning military power, a China that comes to dominate Asia and much of the globe is increasingly becoming thinkable. The character of the Chinese government—one that marries aspects of the free market with suppression of political and personal freedom—would become a widespread and disquieting norm.

But the dawn of a Chinese century—and the end of an American one—is not inevitable. America possesses inherent strengths that grant us a competitive advantage over China and the rest of the world. We must, however, restore those strengths.

That means shoring up our fiscal and economic standing, rebuilding our military, and renewing faith in our values. We must apply these strengths in our policy toward China to make its path to regional hegemony far more costly than the alternative path of becoming a responsible partner in the international system.

We must change course.

In the economic arena, we must directly counter abusive Chinese practices in the areas of trade, intellectual property, and currency valuation. While I am prepared to work with Chinese leaders to ensure that our countries both benefit from trade, I will not continue an economic relationship that rewards China’s cheating and penalizes American companies and workers.

Unless China changes its ways, on day one of my presidency I will designate it a currency manipulator and take appropriate counteraction. A trade war with China is the last thing I want, but I cannot tolerate our current trade surrender.

We must also maintain military forces commensurate to the long-term challenge posed by China’s build-up. For more than a decade now we have witnessed double-digit increases in China’s officially reported military spending. And even that does not capture the full extent of its spending on defense…

…I am determined to reverse the Obama administration’s defense cuts and maintain a strong military presence in the Pacific. This is not an invitation to conflict. Instead, this policy is a guarantee that the region remains open for cooperative trade, and that economic opportunity and democratic freedom continue to flourish across East Asia.

A nation that represses its own people cannot ultimately be a trusted partner in an international system based on economic and political freedom. While it is obvious that any lasting democratic reform in China cannot be imposed from the outside, it is equally obvious that the Chinese people currently do not yet enjoy the requisite civil and political rights to turn internal dissent into effective reform.

I will never flinch from ensuring that our country is secure. And security in the Pacific means a world in which our economic and military power is second to none. It also means a world in which American values—the values of liberty and opportunity—continue to prevail over those of oppression and authoritarianism.

The sum total of my approach will ensure that this is an American, not a Chinese century. We have much to gain from close relations with a China that is prosperous and free. But we should not fail to recognize that a China that is a prosperous tyranny will increasingly pose problems for us, for its neighbors, and for the entire world.”

You can read the full article here.  For more information about Gov. Romney’s foreign policy, see his foreign policy page here.